Search Results for: Conflict

Conflicts In Storytelling And How To Use It In Your Small Business

Conflicts In Storytelling And How To Use It In Your Small Business

Are you struggling to overcome the challenges in your small business? Do you feel like your brand is not resonating with your target audience? Then sit back as we explore the importance of conflicts in storytelling and how you can leverage it for success in your small businesses.   Want to learn more about storytelling? Start…

Structuring Your Stories: STORYTELLING BASICS – How To Get Started In Telling Impactful Stories – Short Reads

Structuring Your Stories: STORYTELLING BASICS – How To Get Started In Telling Impactful Stories – Short Reads

Writing a story without a structure is like building a house without a foundation. No matter how impressive the design, it’s bound to crumble without a strong base to hold it up. From the framework of the plot to the structure of the characters, good storytellers should create a sturdy foundation for their stories.  Want…

Organizing your story: Storytelling Basics – How To Get Started In Telling Impactful Stories

Organizing your story: Storytelling Basics – How To Get Started In Telling Impactful Stories

How do you craft a remarkable story? Well, it all starts with great organization and structure. A well-organized story can be the difference between a captivating narrative and a confusing mess. By using different methods such as outlining, character development charts, and narrative arcs, you can create a better-organized story that will be a pleasure…