Search Results for: audiences

How to Increase Your Podcast Monetization with Partnership

How to Increase Your Podcast Monetization with Partnership

Podcasting is one of the fastest-growing mediums today, and it provides brands with an excellent opportunity to reach out to specific and niche audiences. Podcasts have the opposite effect as visual ads, TV commercials, and digital ad-blockers. Why? Because listeners are devoted to the podcasters they enjoy. Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series:…

How Do You Get People to Advertise on Your Podcast?

How Do You Get People to Advertise on Your Podcast?

You might be thinking how can you look for sponsorship to advertise on your podcast. Actually, you can run your sponsorships in a variety of ways, one of which is by finding advertisers through your podcast host. Do you want to learn how? Then keep reading? Download the first chapter of The Storytelling Series: Beginners’…